this replaces the group project we were scheduled to do the final exam essay is a 1200 word essay in which you will respond to a comprehensive question concerning the readings for the course

This replaces the group project we were scheduled to do. The Final Exam Essay is a 1200 word essay in which you will respond to a comprehensive question concerning the readings for the course.
These prompts will require outside research of our history book. I recommend the UA library online resources and databases as well as the librarians themselves. They are available via chat through the library website and email.
Option 1:
Considering the history, analysis, articles, and statements we have read, what do you think is the most important topic for discussion in Africana Studies? Is it the recovered history of Africa? Is it colonialism and the independence struggle? Is it the theories on race and society that emerge from the study (such as Hayes, Marable, King, or others)? Is it contemporary issues, such a gender dynamics and intersectionality or contemporary civil rights movements? Discuss what you think is at the heart of Africana Studies.
Option 2
Focus on the Civil Rights Movements within the US and Africa. They occur at the same time. Why is this? What are the connections between people and movements? How did these movements influence one another? How do you think these movements influence contemporary liberation work?
Option 3:
Consider the topic of intersectionality for Africana Studies. Why is it so important to see how different lines of oppression intersect? One could focus on intersectionality as related to women (African American and Africa), as related to economics (race and class), or as related to any other types of intersectionality that you believe is relevant to the discussion here (such as racism and LGTBQ issues, such as the deaths of trans women of color).
Remember you have the Think Tank to help with essay writing, as well as several writing files under our Content section.
Due Date: See Syllabus
Remember the Standard Organization of Formal/Academic Papers:
Name, Date, Assignment: left justified at the very top of the first page
Page Numbers: last name and page number, top right corner (open the header)
Provide a Title: at the top of the first page, one line above the introduction.
Introduction: with a thesis statement that announces your topic and sets out the points
you will support with your Illustrations and Explanations.
Body Paragraphs (4 to 6 at least): Each with a Topic Sentence that links back to the
the Thesis Statement.
Conclusion: The purpose of a conclusion is to remind the readers of your main idea. Do not just restate your thesis. Remind readers of the significance of your discussion.
Works Cited Page: include citations for your sources
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