today we are going to use stellarium to investigate the extrasolar planetary system around the star trappist 1 this system consists of 7 extrasolar planets orbiting the red dwarf star trappist 1 in the constellation aquarius today you are going

Today, we are going to use Stellarium, to investigate the extrasolar planetary system around the star, TRAPPIST-1. This system consists of 7 extrasolar planets orbiting the red dwarf star, TRAPPIST-1, in the constellation Aquarius. Today, you are going to investigate some of their properties and see how they compare to our solar system. You are going to do some calculations, so locate your calculator! You are also going to do some graphing at the end.
Start up stellarium and set the date to. 2020-10-13 and the time to 22:36:4 and face South. Open the search window (4th icon down on the left hand side) and type TRAPPIST-1 and hit return.
You should see info on this system on your screen. At the bottom of the info screen, you will see Exoplanet b, c, etc. The first exoplanet discovered around the star TRAPPIST-1 is TRAPPIST-1b, the 2nd is TRAPPIST-1c, etc. The orbital period is in days. The semi major axis is the average distance of the extrasolar planet from TRAPPIST-1. Fill out the appropriate columns.
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The post today we are going to use stellarium to investigate the extrasolar planetary system around the star trappist 1 this system consists of 7 extrasolar planets orbiting the red dwarf star trappist 1 in the constellation aquarius today you are going appeared first on Superb Professors.

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