topic 4 dq 2 comment 1 4

The U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published guidelines for healthcare and social service workers. They recommend that each institution develops a written workplace violence prevention program, reports are documented and investigated in a timely manner, all workers have training on workplace violence and more. Texas became the 34th state to raise the penalties for assaulting emergency-department nurses. The bill, which both houses of the Texas legislature unanimously approved, and Governor Rick Perry signed into law, designated such assaults as “third-degree felonies.” They had previously been “Class A misdemeanors” (Docksai, n.d.). Hospitals around the country have been boosting their own internal security in the last few years. In many facilities, the in-house security teams are collaborating with the IT departments on upgrades to the ward monitoring equipment. Management teams are also working with their hospitals†staff on ways to streamline the patient-registration process, fast-track the less-acute injuries and illnesses, and better coordinate the inpatient floor nurses (Docksai, n.d.).
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