After being briefed on terrorist threats throughout the spring and summer of 2001, President Bush was briefed by the CIA in August regarding the possibility of Bin Ladin’s plan to attack the World Trade Center towers. The CIA previously had not bothered to warn the President that an attack on U.S. soil might be imminent, and Bush ignored the warning when it came. -valid paraphrase -not a valid paraphrase

After being briefed on terrorist threats throughout the spring and
summer of 2001, President Bush was briefed by the CIA in August regarding the possibility of Bin Ladin’s plan to attack the World Trade Center towers. The CIA previously had not bothered to warn the President that an attack on U.S. soil might be imminent, and Bush ignored the warning when it came.
-valid paraphrase
-not a valid paraphrase
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The post After being briefed on terrorist threats throughout the spring and summer of 2001, President Bush was briefed by the CIA in August regarding the possibility of Bin Ladin’s plan to attack the World Trade Center towers. The CIA previously had not bothered to warn the President that an attack on U.S. soil might be imminent, and Bush ignored the warning when it came. -valid paraphrase -not a valid paraphrase appeared first on Superb Professors.

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