Q: Two atomic clocks are synchronized. One is placed on a satellite, which orbits around the earth at high speed for a whole year. The other is placed in a lab and remains at rest, with respect to the earth. You may assume that both clocks can measure time accurately to many significant digits. (5 marks) a) Will the two clocks still be synchronized after one year? Explain your reasoning. b) Imagine that the speed of light was much slower than its actual value. How would the results of this experiment change if the speed of light was only twice the average speed of the satellite? Explain your reasoning, using a calculation.

Q: Two atomic clocks are synchronized. One is placed on a satellite,
which orbits around the earth at high speed for a whole year. The other is placed in a lab and remains at rest, with respect to the earth. You may assume that both clocks can measure time accurately to many significant digits. (5 marks) a) Will the two clocks still be synchronized after one year? Explain your reasoning.
b) Imagine that the speed of light was much slower than its actual value. How would the results of this experiment change if the speed of light was only twice the average speed of the satellite? Explain your reasoning, using a calculation.
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The post Q: Two atomic clocks are synchronized. One is placed on a satellite, which orbits around the earth at high speed for a whole year. The other is placed in a lab and remains at rest, with respect to the earth. You may assume that both clocks can measure time accurately to many significant digits. (5 marks) a) Will the two clocks still be synchronized after one year? Explain your reasoning. b) Imagine that the speed of light was much slower than its actual value. How would the results of this experiment change if the speed of light was only twice the average speed of the satellite? Explain your reasoning, using a calculation. appeared first on Superb Professors.

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