answer my question 20

For this assignment you should submit complete citations for 3 peer-reviewed sources, each accompanied by a short, original description of the source that indicates how it is relevant to your topic and what the author concludes. You should also paste your research question at the top of the document (this is primarily for my benefit). A sample is below (note that I have not included a sample research question here and that I’ve tried to chose 3 articles that aren’t relevant to any of your questions).
What types of sources to use
A good academic source should be published in a peer-reviewed journal (for examples, see the ones listed in the attached “cheat sheet”) . You should NOT use books for this assignment. This is because there are far more crap books accessible to you than there are crap journal articles. Your sources also should NOT be any of the following: a blog post, a newspaper/magazine article, a piece posted to some organization or government agency’s website (e.g. something from the WHO, the UN, Pew, etc.).
How to find good academic sources
I strongly recommend that you use one or both of the following methods. These are the easiest methods I know, and I don’t see any reason to make things harder than they need to be.
Google Scholar
1. go to
2. type in keywords relevant to your topic (try a variety of combinations including your complete question). If you get too few results, remove some words from your search. Too many results, add additional search terms and/or adjust the search parameters (e.g. the date range and such on the left side of the screen).
3. Once you find a good source, consider returning to the google scholar search results page and clicking on the link for “Related articles” under the search result you found useful.
The Cheat Sheet method:
I am linking a list of possible sources that might be useful to you (Links to an external site.). Note that not everything in the cheat sheet meets the criteria for this assignment (e.g. you still can’t use books or publications such as those from USIP. Any source that has a doi link and is not a book is fine).
[don’t forget to include your research question]
1. Heathcote, Gina and Diane Otto, eds. 2014. Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Inequality and Collective Security. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
The essays in this volume evaluate UNSCR 1325 through gender and legal perspectives, highlighting both the laudable aims of the resolution and hope for the change it can make as well as its shortcomings in practice and its focus on women as victims rather than agents and particularly on the experiences and ideas of Western white women.
2. Thomson, Jennifer. 2019. “The Women, Peace, and Security Agenda and Feminist Institutionalism: A Research Agenda.” International Studies Review 21: 598-613. (Links to an external site.)
This essay traces the development of the the WPS agenda through the first eight related Security Council resolutions, noting that the WPS agenda tends to place too much emphasis on womenâ€s inherent peacefulness and their victimization. Thomson argues that there has been little research on the impact of the WPS agenda on institutional design or of post-conflict institutions on WPS and elaborates on the need for such research.
3. Gizelis, Theodora-Ismene and Louise Olsson. 2015. Gender, Peace, and Security: Implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1325. New York, NY: Routledge.
Essays in this volume use quantitative methods to evaluate both the degree to which the ideals of UNSCR 1325 have been implemented and the effect of implementation on topics ranging from sexual violence to risk of war. Authors also address challenges to adequately measuring concepts of interest, such as womenâ€s representation in government and participation in peace processes. The book is organized into three parts: participation, protection, and gender mainstreaming.
Answer these following qustions
1. Reflect on how gender (your own gender, gender norms in society, gendered expectations, etc.) and the interaction of your gender with other aspects of your identity (race, socio-economic status, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, etc.) have shaped your life. Have your thoughts on gender and the way that it influences daily life changed over the course of the semester?
2. Identify the reasons that Huckerby argues women in the West are drawn to support ISIS. Relate these reasons to Cynthia Enloeâ€s discussion of women in nationalist movements. In particular, evaluate how/whether Huckerbyâ€s argument may be seen as an extension of Enloeâ€s argument.
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