country data comparison 1

write minimum 600 words and make sure to follow all instructions
Use the globalEDGE website to compare the country you have chosen for your country study to the U.S. and eight other countries. Follow these steps:
GolbalEDGE website:
the country is Jamaica

Pick the country from the “Country Comparator” tab. Use the most recent data available.
Pick ONE field from the list (infrastructure, labor, people, government, education, etc.). Do not use simple categories, such as population, use a category that gives you useful information about the country’s condition.
Select the United States, your country choice from your country study, and at eight other countries (total of ten) to compare your results with.
Take a screenshot of the table.
Write a short paper about your findings and draw any conclusions. Make sure to insert the screenshot in your paper. Use your OWN words as always.
Upload a PDF or MS Word file.
need turnitin report as well

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