safety standards 1

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Contemporary Issues in Licensing: Building and Physical Premises Safety in Childcare (Links to an external site.). The Fire Department recently completed an inspection of the Bright Futures Early Learning Center and unfortunately you did not pass inspection.
The following infractions were listed:

Non-working smoke alarms were found
Objects (artwork) hung from the ceiling impede smoke alarm productivity
Multiplug adapters were found in multiple outlets
Obstructions in the hallways
Hazardous materials found within reach of children (bleach)
No fire escape route plan in multiple rooms
Playground ground cover not dense enough to break a childâ€s fall

For your discussion response, choose three violations and

Explain why these violations are considered infractions.
Create a plan to rectify these prior to inspection.
Explain how these infractions will be monitored so they do not happen again.

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