locating commercial real estate

Locate a commercial property and examine the attributes that make it a good investment. Identify your property by using Loopnet (Links to an external site.).
Prepare a four- to five-page paper (not including title and reference pages) that addresses the following:

Discuss the specifics of your property. Details should include use of the property as well as its location and size.
Evaluate the property from an investment perspective. What about the propertyâ€s conditions makes it a wise investment? What are the pros and cons? Are there any potential concerns an investor should know about?
Compare your investment to others and make sure to clearly address why this property is the better alternative.
Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the parcel and community.
Explain how the current economic environment impacted your choice.

This paper should be prepared using APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Students must use two outside scholarly sources (other than text) with proper citation.

Required Resources
De Roos, D. (2008). Commercial real estate investing: A creative guide to successfully making money. Retrieved from https://redshelf.com/

Chapter 10: Finding Commercial Real Estate
Chapter 11: Analyzing Deals
Chapter 12: Negotiating Commercial Real Estate Deals

Loopnet (Links to an external site.). (http://www.loopnet.com/)
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