math 1325 final exam

Your MATH 1325 Final Exam will only be available to complete on WebAssign on Wednesday, May 13 from 9:00a-10:50a. It will not be available to take before that time, and it will not be available to take after that time.
•Final exam is Wednesday, May 13 from 9:00a-10:50a
•It will not be available to take before that time, and it will not be available to take after that time
•3 Questions for each chapter
•2 Multiple Choice – 5 points each
•1 Fill in blank – 10 points each
•Final Exam Scoring
•Multiple Choice – 10 question 50%
•Fill in blank – 5 questions 50%
•The fill in blank questions instruct you to SHOW WORK, but this is NOT required So very important to IGNORE the show work instructions.
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