reflection report social media assessment

Your text identifies some challenges (consequences or drawbacks) with mediated communication: Disinhibition, hyperpersonal communication, social isolation, and relational deterioration. Choose one of these to address and answer the following:
1. Describe this challenge and what it means to you and a time you have experienced this in a relationship. Explain how it impacted a this interpersonal relationship?
2. Upon reflection, how might you handle this differently in a more competent way if in a similar situation in the future?
Please complete the social media assessment on page 58 and then answer the following:
1. What is your total “Social Integration and Emotional Connection” score? To what extent are you surprised/not surprised by this score?
2. What does a healthy balance of mediated vs face-to-face communication look like in your personal life and in your workplace life (especially when we are NOT on shelter-in-place orders?)
Please use sub-headings of PART A and PART B in your answer. You should umber your answers and double space within each response. Upload your document as a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf file.
This reflection report is worth 15 points total. See attached rubric for grading criteria/expectations.
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