research a known health issue that affects a population in your area that could be positively changed through health behavior

In this unit, you will research a known health issue that affects a population in your area that could be positively changed through health behavior. Make sure to address the following: DC/Maryland/Virginia

Describe your local area (e.g., urban, rural, coastal) and the health issue that you researched.
Describe the target population (e.g., ethnicity group, median income, age group, gender, etc.).
Generally discuss the relationship between the identified health issue and the target population. What specific health behaviors can be noted?

State, city, and census websites are a good place to gather data and information (e.g., community health rankings and roadmaps, prevention status reports, community commons, behavior risk factor surveillance system, etc.). Your assignment should be at least three pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages. You must use at least two sources to complete the assignment. All sources used, including your textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations must be in APA style.
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