within the discussion board area write 700 1 200 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts ideas and comments this will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates be substantive and clear

Your work with UWEAR and PALEDENIM is coming to a close.
As you reflect on the following final deliverable, you realize that the new values-driven culture, including the code of conduct, represents just part of the change faced by the organizations. Other areas of change include work roles, reporting structure, and key business processes.
The CEOs would like you to recommend a change strategy and process for Theresa and Mike to follow.
Review the scenario for this course, revise Part 1 of the Key Assignment based on your instructorâ€s feedback, and add an additional 200–500 words to the executive report that addresses the following:

What change management model (such as Lewinâ€s, Kotterâ€s, or ADKAR) should be used, and why?
What are the set of steps used in the model you chose?
What can the CEO†do to address resistance to change during the merger?

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The post within the discussion board area write 700 1 200 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts ideas and comments this will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates be substantive and clear appeared first on Superb Professors.

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